
My apologies

This blog was not started with the intention of being one of "those" blogs.
Since my lovely older sister is only responding to me through blog comments from "anonymous" (either that or it's her husband, interchangeable really) I figured it would be appropriate to write this here.
Melynda, how many people do you think actually read this? Seriously, less than 50, and I know them all, and only receive comments from a few. You're being a crazy person. This is my personal space, and I am allowed to say whatever I feel about whatever I want. If I don't want to publish your childish, desperate comments, I won't. That's my right. I have not once posted anything about you as a person, I simply wrote about how what you said made me feel. BECAUSE IT'S MY BLOG AND I CAN DO THAT. If you don't like it, go back to World of Warcraft or whatever you're busy doing instead of going to a job or being a mother to your son.
For those of you reading who aren't insane anonymous internet stalkers that I call my family, here is her latest comment.
[Guess I just need to stop reading your posts here. The way you keep stabbing at your sister kinda makes you the bitch. You are the only one who thought that, the others are just into the drama like you apparently are. Apparently you are one of those people who cant let go. Just want to keep digging into her publicly. Well, I guess its one-sided. Don't get to see what she has to say. Looks like you have issues]
Melynda, you are 30 years old. You have a child and you should have a job and other responsibilities, why are you being such a child? If you say something negative to someone, there will most likely be a response, especially if that someone is your little sister. I want so badly to say something mean, I really really do, but that's not what this blog is for. Trust me, I could. I could call you out on lots of things here, but I'm a better person than that, and obviously you aren't.
I'm not stabbing at you, grow up. You said something that hurt me in the midst of what was a very difficult decision for me, and I talked about it on my personal blog. You are my sister and I love you, no amount of bullshit on your part will change that, but please stop being an idiot. An inarticulate idiot, might I add.
End of BS everyone, honest.

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