
best. weekend. ever.

Some things are worth a five hour drive.
Okay, I say that like I did any driving, when in reality my sweet husband drove 5 hours while I slept in the car, because I'm an 18 month old. Seriously, want me to go to sleep? Put me in a moving car. Criminy.
This is where we went! We went to the High Museum of Art in Atlanta to see the Salvador Dali exhibit. Amazing! You weren't allowed to take pictures (what is this, the Louvre??!) so all I got away with was the shot from the elevator.
Because I'm a stealthy (excited, smiley, grinning like a buffoon, yellow cardigan-wearing) ninja.
The best part! We saw Anthony Bourdain! He is on his No Reservations tour right now, and the closest he was coming was Atlanta. He is my TV boyfriend, so I had to go! It was so awesome. Remember the blog I wrote a while ago about how much I despise certain Food Network personalities? He said almost the exact same things, it was hilarious. Ricky and I had such a great time. We stayed the night in Atlanta and left early the next morning. Ricky had to drive all the way back and then go to work.
...he's a champ.
Alright now, a quick word to all the hipsters, snotty art students, people dressed up like they're going to an opera at the Bourdain show, people asking him crap like, "What's your favorite food, dude?" and so on:
Why can't you just enjoy something? Why can't you just like something without taking it so so seriously?
The man has been to hundreds of countries and he's a classically trained chef. Really? What's his favorite food?
People walking around the museum talking about how Dali felt when he painted the portait of Colonel Jack Warner... come on. You have no idea how he felt. Neither do I. Why not just think (or talk, if you must) about how his work makes you feel.

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