
Dinners and Decor

My signature fajitas with pepita salsa, this time with rice and black beans.
I fell in love with rice and black beans while we were in (on?) Key West. I could eat them for every meal.
Two tasty ingredients for my pasta sauce. Nice thick pancetta and fresh oregano from my garden.
Spaghetti with meat sauce and garlic bread. How red checkered table cloth of me.
The sauce was simple. Ground pork, pancetta, San Marzano crushed tomatoes, fresh oregano and basil, and seasonings.
Never rinse your cooked pasta under cold water. It's a pasta sin. It removes all the lovely starches that help sauces adhere to the noodle. I just drain mine, and then toss it with the sauce. None of that silly "pouring sauce over the naked noodles" nonsense in my kitchen.
Dinner tonight was pork, again. Bork bork bork.
Pork chops that I brushed with dijon mustard and then coated in seasoned bread crumbs and rosemary, roasted red potatoes, and zucchini and yellow squash from the garden.
Speaking of awesomeness, how about my new chalkboard? I've been looking for one forever, and I finally found this one at Target, of all places. I love it, and it was only $20!
I also got this super cute Buddha for my entry way.
Here's our Pergo progress. Just the office is nearly done. It's hard! Especially when you don't take time off to do it. I love love love they way it looks! I think the color is just right. Not too dark, not too light, not too cherry. I'm not a fan of super shiny cherry floors. This is called Hand Scraped Hickory. I can't wait until it's all through the house.
...someday in the future.
I'm off to work out again, do tonight's dishes, and finish some random house stuff before work tomorrow.


  1. You always make your meals look so amazing...I mean, I'm sure they are amazing really, but you make them LOOK that way, which is a great feat. Dh usually makes great meals, but my photography doesn't do them justice.

    I like your Buddha!

  2. Thanks Teresa! I try pretty hard to get things to look nice on the plate. It drives Ricky crazy sometimes.

    Hey, quick question. My eggplant are being destroyed by these weird little brown beetles. Any organic pest control suggestions?

  3. Those sound like flea beetles...they often decimate our eggplants too. Do they look like these? http://www.google.com/images?q=flea+beetles&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=ZCIFTMa2NISBlAfmo9zWBg&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=4&ved=0CEIQsAQwAw

    In our The Organic Gardener's Handbook of Natural Insect and Disease Control book, they recommend neem oil, pyrethrin, rotenone, or sabadilla. I know neem oil to be all right, but I'd hesitate to use pyrethrin. Not sure about rotenone or sabadilla. They also recommend drenching roots with insect parasitic nematodes to control larvae.

    This site also mentions some of the same things: http://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/fleabeetle.html

    Good luck!
