
Chicken Tagine and Long Conversations

Tonight Angelina came over and I cooked.
And cooked and cooked and cooked.
I tend to prepare food for my guests with no thought given to allergies or personal preference.
Tonight in my meal I used chickpeas, eggplant, olives, and preserved lemon peel, to name a few things.
Angelina loved it! Which made me very happy, considering that I've really only ever cooked my little heart out for a select few people.
Sorry, it's blurry.
I made a tagine of chicken with olives and preserved lemon, stewed eggplant with tomatoes and chickpeas, and couscous. It was fabulous, if I do say so myself.
Angelina and I hung out for (I sh*t you not) about 7 hours, drinking tea and talking about life and love and everything in between. It's funny, because it doesn't feel like that long when you're actually engaged in conversation. Our first telephone conversation lasted 5 hours, I think we just might be 'hang out for an extended period of time and not get bored' people. Good.
Oh, and tonight I think a began mending a very important friendship that had been nearly broken. And that made me happy.
There were also some clovers in my Italian parsley.
It was strange.


  1. Lucky parsley.

    I want the stewed tomato, eggplant and chick pea recipe (pretty please??). There are not enough ways in this world to cook chickpeas as far as I'm concerned!
