

On Monday I start working at the Bux.
Cripes I can't wait.

Just thought I'd share that.

Am I the only person that gets genuine joy from cleaning her house? I always hear people groaning about housework. What gives? You live in your house, don't you want it clean? Smelling pretty? Sparkly? Well, I do.
I love vacuuming. I mean, I seriously love it. Seeing lines in my carpet from my Dirt Devil (can't wait to upgrade to a Dyson) makes me breathe a little easier. I vacuum every day. Sometimes twice a day. Shut up, I have pets and allergies.
I find that having a routine makes it more enjoyable. Mondays and Thursdays are bed linens days. Other laundry is done every third day. Vacuuming and dusting are done daily, as well as wiping down kitchen cabinets and surfaces. I organize my pantry, deep clean my fridge, and wash my windows monthly.I recieved this book from Ricky for Christmas. I've been wanting it forever! It's full of great advice, green cleaning product recipes, and tons of helpful hints about keeping your home shiny happy. In the words of our Earth Mother Goddess Martha, "It's a good thing."

1 comment:

  1. Before people start calling me a jerk for getting her a cleaning book for Christmas...

    It was one of several gifts and she requested it. So there.
