
Things that I think women should know how to do

I am by no means a grown up. I'm only 23, and have a lot of growing still to do.
That being said, there are some observations that I believe ring true with women of any age.
I'm not saying that men don't need to know/do these things, mind you.

I believe that women shouldn't wear sweat suits out to run errands. I don't care if it's velour, it's still ugly.

I think women should know how to cook at least basic food.

A woman should be able to learn from her mistakes.

A woman should be able to raise a child. Biology alone states that.

Save her money.

Choose a good wine.

Maintain her weight. I don't understand women that get married and let themselves go. It's unhealthy and stupid. Stop eating garbage and go for a walk. I eat whatever I want, just not gallons of it. It's not that hard.

Change her own oil.

Maintain her own lawn.

Keep her home clean. Especially if there are no children to be raising and you don't work. I have known women who do literally nothing while their husband works all day, and still can't grasp the concept of laundry. Come on.

Kill a spider.

Trap a mouse.

Change a tire.

Bake a cake, from scratch.

Make a martini.

Write a heartfelt thank you note.

There are many more things, but my finger hurts. More later.

Don't take this as some old fashioned, anti-feminism thing. It's not like that, so don't even start.

I leave you with a picture of Maggie mischief. Ricky has only been gone 7 hours, and she's climbing onto tables.


  1. I agree! However, it's sooooo hard for me to keep my house clean with being away 10 hours a day, having construction guys in and out for the remodel, having to spend time with the horse, ballet class, and a husband who works from home and doesn't clean up after himself. If this keeps up AND we have kids, imma have to get a maid.

    I think a woman should also be able to whip up a decent meal for last minute guests. No spaghettios and diet coke.

  2. Seriously. If I see a woman in the grocery store in a hot pink track suit buying Stouffer's frozen lasagnas I'm going to scream.

  3. Haha. Even if it's Juicy Couture (especially if it's JC), it's NOT cute. If you're wearing a velor track suit with shiny new tennies and your hair, makeup and nails are all done I have a problem figuring out if your going to work-out or if you're getting ready for some middle-aged prom and haven't put on your dress yet.

  4. Haha, or if you have a toddler who is being forced to participate in a beauty pageant. Of course, the toddler has a matching track suit.

  5. Hey, I reserve the right to venture out in public in my elastic waist "track" pants. At least for as long as my pants don't fit and maternity pants are way too big. But I will never ever have a cutesy moniker across my butt!

  6. it seems I have a lot of learning to do....


  7. I can't change my own oil, but I should at least know how...dh prefers not to. Those oil places have the means to dispose properly of the stuff. That said, we changed our own headlight bulb; does that count? ;)

    How about butchering/field-dressing small game (like chicken, squirrel or rabbit)? I feel like everyone who eats meat should be able to do that. LOL!
