
Some peoples' kids

Last night Ricky and I went to El Paso for Mexican food and then we saw Funny People. The movie was great, definitely not what you'd expect. I had a good time, I love going on dates with my husband!

Okay then. So at the restaurant (which, incidentally, had the most amazing Carnitas) we were seated near the bar. Hooray. It was a Friday night, and I completely understand that people like to go out and have a good time, but still. There was a group of four sitting near us, not too near, mind you, and they were SHOUTING. Swearing, yelling, talking graphically about sex and all kinds of glorious things. It was hugely offensive. It makes me so sad that this is what people have come to. Where are our manners?

It gets better. In theater, there was a group of three women seated across the aisle and 2 rows back from us, and we could literally hear every word of their conversation. INSIDE voices, ladies. They weren't even talking about the movie, and they kept using their cell phones to text and whatnot. Why even come? Then the man sitting directly in front of us accepted a phone call (on a phone that was not on silent) and spoke, very loudly, to the person on the other end, "Hey man, I told you I was going to the f*cking movies and not to f*cking call me. Yeah? Well, did you f*ck her or not?..." This went on for about a minute and a half, at which point Ricky said, "Come on man, turn off your phone." The guy turned around, looked at Ricky, and exhaled loudly. Not much of a comeback, I know.

I think it is so pathetic that we are a generation of people that can't bear to turn off a cell phone for two hours of our lives! How hard is it? What bad could possibly come of it? I can't believe that adults nowadays don't have an manners at all. Ah!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree! I mean, we teach our kids all the time to keep it down and be considerate of others in public and here are adults setting bad examples. Oy.
