
the best meal I've made in a while.

Thank you, Fresh Market, for having fabulous things like celery root and big fat pork chops.
The pork was just seared in a hot hot pan and then finished in the oven. I like to pull mine when it hits 135-138 degrees, as it continues to cook even after it's out, and pulling it right at 145 seems to always result in slightly over pork. And this girl doesn't like her pork over. Not even slightly. On the side I just did some sauteed broccolini and a green apple and celery root slaw. Have you ever had celery root? Run, do not walk, to your local not-lame grocery store and get a celery root, then eat it like a pear.
After you wash it because they're dirty.
This meal paired beautifully with Lazy Magnolia Souther Pecan. Though I'm beginning to think that this beer is great with most anything.
Ice cream.
When Harry Met Sally.
Yup. Pretty versatile.

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