
uhmmm.... hello?

Okay, so (don't judge) I'm cleaning the house on my day off, getting ready for my sister to be here on Sunday, and the TV is on.
Sigh...Correction: Bridal Plasty is on.
I know I know I know I know.
Have you seen this crap?!
Yes, some of these women have serious excess weight issues, but sorry, I thought that some good old fashioned eating less and moving more would take care of that? Wait, are treadmills ineffective now?
I am not making any jabs at people who are overweight. I'm commenting on people who want to take the easy EASY way out. Plastic surgery? You know that excess weight carries emotional issues with it that might still remain after some demented doctor sucks fat out of you with a vacuum wand, right?
Then there's the thing, pretty girls who are still wanting to change themselves, Their nose, their breasts, liposuction on their teensy tiny love handles. Those love handles, by the way, are the only thing keeping you from having the body of a boy scout.
The worst part was seeing their Dr. consultations. These women have someone drawing all over their bodies, circling fat, penciling in scars, making comments like, "you have an okay face, but this nose is ruining it." Their response? "Haha! Yeah, I'm a mess!"
I literally started crying. What is wrong with us?
Young women will watch this show. Hell, older women. Is this what we want people to think? That you're not beautiful the way you are, or because of your character, no matter what you do. That even if you work out every day, watch what you eat, and take impeccable care of your skin, you'll never be able to make your nose pretty. Or your breasts big enough. Maybe your arms are a little too big on top. Maybe you have bigger hips because you've had a baby and because of that, we should fix you!
It breaks my heart and makes me sick. I've had my struggles with weight, I lost 30 pounds earlier this year, but the emotional stuff is so hard. I never feel pretty, or thin enough, my chest is too big, blah blah blah.
Women, you're beautiful. Unless you're a bitch, then you're ugly no matter how much surgery you get.

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