
lobstahs make great shifty shifts.

I got promoted at work, so now I'm a shift supervisor and not a barista. It's weird getting used to doing less work but having more responsibility. I was really nervous as first, it was kind of a new social situation... same people, but different. I dunno, I kind of freak out with stuff like this.
But seriously, look how cute I am in my apron, how could I possibly be nervous? =)
I'm excited and happy about the whole thing. Everyone at work has been great too, which makes it even more awesome.
Here is another reason I love my job! Skinny vanilla latte with nutmeg and reduced fat very berry coffee cake.
Awww I ♥ Starbucks.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I love Starbucks, especially a tasty french press. :-)
