

These could be lovely photographs, but NO, our camera has died. Stupid phone camera. Oh well, at least I still have picture taking technology.
These are coconut cupcakes with coconut cream cheese icing.
They are filled with... (drumroll)....
Saffron pastry cream!
Yes, you read that right. It's delightful. Saffron is earthy, yet sweet, and it's perfect in pastry cream. Not to mention that gorgeous golden color.
What's that? You can't see the golden color? That's because the camera on my phone sucks. lol
They're delicious, though a little messy due to all that coconut on top.
The best foods are messy, if you ask me.

1 comment:

  1. Those look truly amazing, even if the photos were taken with the phone! And I agree: the best foods are messy. :)
