

I went to Washington last week, to see my family after my step-father was hospitalized with a kidney tumor. No word yet on whether it was or was not cancer, but either way, the Dr. said that they got everything during the surgery. So that's good news. It was nice to see my sisters, my mom, grandparents, aunt and uncle, nephew, and to meet my brother in law for the first time. I also got to spend some time with my friend Phill. We were friends in high school back in Granite Falls.
I was only there for 5 days, but I missed home a lot. My dogs, my house, my husband. Especially the dogs. ;)
...and now for the photos.
In no particular order:
Phill took me shooting. That's me with my "eyes and ears" on. I shot a .22 and a 9mm. It was fun. Loud, but fun.
Then I found a Wham cassette tape in Phill's car. Seriously?
I found some amazing Spokane graffiti. Unicorns!
While grocery shopping, I happened upon Fran's Chocolates! They're an amazing Seattle-based chocolaterie. These were chocolate dipped caramels with French gray sea salt. Visit the Fran's website here. They ship!
Tried a Lavender Mocha at the Denver airport on the way home. It was amazing. Oh, and I finally got a cell phone.That's me and my mom.
Me and my little sister, Tiffany.
There's Phill! We went to Twigs and had a dessert called "drunken doughnuts." There are no words.
Relatives! From left: Uncle Dick, Papa, the elusive Nanny, Aunt Willa, and Mom.
Tiffany and I the morning after I flew in at Starbucks.
On the way there I had a layover in Oakland and my best friend Dave came to see me. We've been friends since we met in Germany in 2004. Amazing how some people stay in your life. =)
This is just a funny picture I took while driving through Alabama. Your sin's what?


  1. haha, I love grammatical errors in public places.

    My mom bought my dad some birthday signs to hang around the house for his 50th and one of them said "Your 50!"

    "Ummm, mom? Where the hell did you buy these?"
