
Dinners, awesome gifts from B.Cooley, and creepy under-the-rug messages.

Brittany Cooley of How To Eat A Cupcake is awesome and I miss her.
I want to go back to Germany just to hang out with her and make coffee with her.
Today I received a gift box in the mail from Mrs. Cooley, and it was like opening a big box of Cooley thoughtfulness. It made my day. Probably my week.
Black Truffle infused oil, two gorgeous planters, and some awesome German peppermint chocolate. Seriously Cooley, why are you awesome?
Brittany Cooley is expecting, so now I get to return the favor with adorable baby things.
Can't wait.
I've been an awesome little cheffy lately.
Wednesday night: Skirt steak with avocado and cilantro salsa served in flour tortillas.
Thursday: Roasted rosemary potatoes and salmon with capers, along with (hand!) Frenched green beans with dill. Ever French a green bean? It's a pain, but it looks so nice!
Tonight: Ziti with bacon, asparagus, and peas. The sauce was an amazing combination of parmigiana reggiano, cream, lemon zest and juice, basil, parsley, olive oil, and some of the starchy cooking liquid from the pasta. I loved this, but if you don't like asparagus you could substitute any vegetable you desire. I served my pasta with garlic bread and a nice semi-dry German Riesling and it worked really well.
On a less happy side note, we're pulling up the carpet getting ready to install our Pergo, and we found this written on the foam liner thing under the carpet in our office closet. It used to be a little girl's room. Creepy, no?
Gave me the heebie jeebies. Why is it under the carpet?! WTF?


  1. 1- that skirt steak looks phenomenal...i will attempt it tonight. 2- i wrote that on your floor DUH! Just planting a seed i like to say! Have a great day and remember Psalm 10:1!

  2. The salsa was just avocado, red onion, cilantro, lime juice, salt, and pepper.
    UNDER THE CARPET??!! You know that's weird.

  3. I wonder what's written under my carpet?

    Every time I see Brittany in the post office she's sending some little package of goodness to another lucky friend. She's so sweet!
