
Bon anniversaire à moi!

Today is the 23rd and I turn 23 today. =)
This is my birthday smirk. And my cute Joanie dress.
My mother in law made me these! At Ricky's sister Rebecca's wedding, Deb had made all the bridesmaids these bracelets. I loved them, and she remembered and made one for me with matching earrings! I love them, thank you Deb!
My new coworkers got me a pretty yellow mum and a cake! So sweet! I just started and they've all been so nice to me and made me feel so welcome. Yay for nice people!


  1. Birthday greetings from Germany!

    It's Trina, Abby's mom. I've been catching up on reading your posts and it's so great to read that things are going well in Florida.

    I love what you are doing with your house. If I'd known you had an eye for design I would have had you come over and give me some home design tips. I need some - bad!

    The recipes you are posting make me want to cook! I am looking forward to trying them out. Abby will especially love the sweets.

    Looking forward to keeping up with your blog. Maybe some of your talents will rub off on me.

    Oh, and your dogs are adorable!

    Happy Birthday!!


  2. Thank you! Nice to hear from you too, by the way! How is my favorite little lady doing? How are you? Miss seeing you guys!

  3. We miss seeing you too! Abby was just asking about you the other day. She asked when you'd be coming back. She looked so disappointed when I told her you now lived in FL.

    Abby is as entertaining and as sharp as ever. Yesteday she asked me if Karl Marx wrote stories like Bambi. She keeps us very busy, physically and mentally!

    It really is nice being able to keep in touch. Even if it's difficult to read about all the great Mexican food you are eating!

    Enjoy the rest of your birthday weekend!

  4. Trina, you should start a blog for all the hilarious things Abby says... I would totally read that everyday.
