
It was a very good day

The weather has been gorgeous for the past two days. It's been cool, around 65 degrees, with close to no humidity. I have to wear a light jacket in the morning! For those who know me, you'll understand how glad that makes me. To be honest, I've really been hating it here. It's so damn hot, and I can hardly breathe for the humidity. But these past two days... I tell ya. The other day I came home from work (which I might be leaving soon for another shop, since the Navy is stupid, I'll explain later, sad face) and there were children playing in the yard across the street, and someone was mowing their lawn somewhere, close enough that I could smell the grass clippings. The sun was shining, the temperature was perfect... and I thought, "I can see myself being very happy here" as I walked to my front porch, already decorated with pumpkins. It was a good day, and it made me hopeful.

The air has had a smell lately that has been bringing back memories of Rome. You know how a smell can transport you? For some reason the air here, all warm and cool at the same time, not too humid... has been taking me to Italy. It smells... crowded. Does that make sense?

Trevi Fountain, April 2007
The Spanish Steps, April 2007

Man I miss that place.

Tonight I made seared Tilapia and Butternut Squash Curry over Brown Rice. The curry was awesome! The Tilapia was Tilapia. It was a good meal, though a little labor intensive. Ah well, what's a little time in the kitchen when the outcome is this?

Tonight during Mad Men I looked at Ricky and asked, "Do you want to pause this and go to the beach?" We did, only we were left with just half an hour of daylight. It was still beautiful though, sitting on the beach watching the sun set over the gulf, laughing at little sandpipers as they darted in and out of the surf. A very large heron landed about 10 feet from us, and didn't seem to mind us watching him forage for minnows and tiny clams. On the way home we stopped by McDonald's and got sundaes. Hooray!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, to have the beach so close that you can just hop over like that...

    And thanks for the Italy photos; they bring back fond memories from my own trip (waaay back in '86...whoa)!

    Curry - yum! Fall is a great time for curry.
