
So about The Weight of Heaven...

I loved it, don't get me wrong. But goodness gracious, it was probably one of the saddest novels I've ever read. I felt so close to those characters. I honestly felt like I knew these two, Ellie and Frank. The ending brought me to tears, I almost put the book down because I didn't want it to happen. Amazing, though. It's so great that there is still literature out there that can engulf you like that, it really is a beautiful thing.

This book is not for the faint of heart. I do, however, recommend it.

I'm still reading Sea of Poppies. I finished The Weight of Heaven in about 9 days, but this one is taking forever! It moves a lot slower, and I have so much going on with the house. I really need to keep going with it though. I find that the longer I wait in between readings, the more apt I am to forget what I read before. Hopefully it picks up. It's also written in a way that I find unappealing. It doesn't let me see the story... I think great literature should speak to you, rather than let you read it. To put it in American author terms, Sea of Poppies is too Hemingway and not enough Steinbeck, ya dig?

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