

On Tuesday, January 3rd, I came home at noon on my lunch break and found that Salvador, our 1.5 year old male cat, had passed away sometime in the morning. I found him laying on our bedroom floor, next to Ricky's side of the bed. 
There were no outward signs as to what the cause was, and I did a thorough check of the house. Nothing was out of place, nothing had been chewed. All the cabinets were closed. Everything was as it always is.
He was just... gone.
I called Ricky, and as soon as he got home we brought Sal's body to my work so that Dr. Dyson could try to see if there was any reason to be found. Salvador was a healthy, active, energetic cat. He was vaccinated properly and ate a great cat food.
She did an ultrasound and found what we had suspected it was. He had a heart attack. Sal had an underlying heart condition called Hypertrophic Cardiomyopethy. Some cats have symptoms, and in those cases it can be found and maybe treated. Unfortunately, Salvador had none, so we had no reason to think that there was anything to be found. He was only one year and five months old.
That was that, and we had him cremated. I got his ashes back today in a cedar box with his name on it.
We put the box in the small window above our front door. Sal was always trying to get up there, and although he only made the very high jump a few times, he never stopped attempting it.
We love you Salvador, you were a wonderfully weird cat, and a cherished member of the family. Thank you for sharing your time with us.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry about your kitty. Our dog dropped dead suddenly the previous year from a ruptured spleen. She was 4 yrs old, so I feel your pain.
