

Pan seared cod with crispy fingerling potatoes and roasted broccoli. If you've never roasted broccoli, you should. It's really easy. I just toss mine in a bowl with olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon zest, and some red chili flakes. Then roast it in the oven at 400 degrees for 20(ish) minutes. If you rotate through the same vegetables a lot, like we do, then it pays to have a few preparation variations up your sleeve. This is also a delicious way to prepare asparagus.
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Taco...Wednesday! Perfect.
I go back to work tomorrow. Excited? Meh. Looking forward to getting out of the house?


  1. Roasting broccoli is my favorite way of eating it! Roasting seems to bring out the sweetness. Egads, I'm starving now and dinner won't be ready for another 20 minutes (dh is making tofu tikka masala!).

  2. p.s. glad you're feeling well enough to go back to work!

  3. Tofu tikka masala sounds wonderful!
    On the back to work- it turns out I'm not. Well enough, that is. My leave was up, I only took 4 weeks, but now I'm thinking I should have listened to my Dr and taken the full 6-8. I move so much at work, and I'm so so sore already, after 2 shifts. It's not very awesome. =(
