

Today Angelina and I took a trip to Pensacola to go to the mall, Ever'Man, and the Navy base.
Good times.
Some of the loot:
Fabulous smelling Bath & Body Works Lemongrass and Cardamom body lotion, and the soap (olive and coriander!) that Angelina surprised me with this morning! Look at the little bird nest! I'm in love with them ♥
Braden's room is done up with jungle animals. I saw these little animal washcloths and had to get them for Bethany.
Thank you Starbucks, for making me purchase ugly shoes. I had to get leather, non-slip, black shoes that covered my whole foot. Yuck I hate them! But they're perfect for work, hahaha.
At Ever'Man, the greatest grocery store on the planet, I found some little patty pan squash and creme fraiche.


  1. Those shoes ARE hideous! EW! They look comfy though (Do i sound like a grandma?) Yay for the other loot though!

  2. Brittany, I call them "The Ugly European Shoes."

    Blech. They are super comfy though. Dangit.
