
Pork Tenderloin and Tarte Tatin

Bethany came over tonight! For snackies when she got here I cut up a wheat baguette and set it out with some German Butterkase, which is soooo good. Go get some.
I also steamed some baby artichokes and served those with some lemon mayonnaise (I cheated, I just mixed some lemon juice and salt and pepper. I used the "made with olive oil" mayo from Hellman's, not bad.) This was my first time making (and eating!) fresh artichokes, and I'll definitely be doing it again. They're time consuming to clean and trim, but worth it.

The man course was an herb roasted pork tenderloin with smashed purple and gold potatoes and steamed broccoli.
I made my first tarte tatin! Homemade vanilla caramel, Braeburn apples, and some honest-to-goodness short pastry! It took nearly 2 hours to prep and cook, but this was one of my favorite desserts I've ever made!
I was so nervous that it wouldn't turn out properly (you make it upside-down in the pan) but it slipped out perfectly! I made some sweet whipped cream with my mixer, and served each slice with a nice dollop. It was like a caramel apple, with pastry crust!
How am I not fat?

1 comment:

  1. you really should be with how wonderfully and often you cook. but you're not. BONUS!
