

Look, I get this whole "good wife" thing. I understand that being the quintessential fifties housewife is alluring, however unrealistic. I understand that we want to make our men happy. I also understand that some of the things I do seem very, well, old fashioned. I love to cook, I love to knit, I keep my home clean, my husband fed, and my shirts ironed. I cook because I love to, not because it is expected. I keep my home clean because it is important to me, once again, not because of some expectation or standard. There isn't anything wrong with that. There is, however, something wrong with thinking that that's all we are. These absurd caricatures of what men think women are. I'm just sick of seeing these misled women who think that it's trendy to be a housewife (thank you, Mad Men) and so they have an excuse to be vapid, stupid women. I don't care house nice your apron is, if you're dumb or have no backbone, no homemade pie, no matter how good, is going to change it.
Also, I know how important our men are to us, but the person you put first should be you, not him. Don't misunderstand me, he should be a close second, but you are kidding yourself if you can't woman-up and take responsibility for your own happiness.
For all of you who think I might be Aunt B-ish, I'm not. I'm just a really good cook. =)


  1. I am a pretty lousy housewife as housewives go (I don't cook and I only assist dh in gardening), and I laugh to think that being a housewife would be considered trendy. ;)

    Well, I'm glad you're a great cook; makes me happy to see food photos at your blog!

  2. has somebody been giving you crap about this? If they are-- I have to assume they are jealous that you've found a niche at such a young age.

    Why do feminists think that all other feminists need to act as they do? I thought the whole point of feminism was to start calling your own shots. It was not to simply transfer the power from the husband to the femi-nazi.

    And anyway-- when did taking good care of the people you love become a bad thing? Robin loves it when I come to your page. I get new ideas for stuff and he benefits. :)
