
Excuse me, but I have something to say.

I commute an hour to and from work, five days a week. It gets lonely in the car, so instead of listening to the (terrible) music on the radio, I have taken a shine to tuning in to religious talk radio.
Allow me to preface this with the admittance that I am not, in any way, a person of faith. Nor am I a republican. I am an atheist, I am pro-choice, and I'm very supportive of homosexual rights. Honestly it just made me feel a little ill having to type "homosexual rights," as if they need to be set apart from everyone else. When did we all stop just being people?
So I've been listening to this radio station, in all of it's Jesus-lovin' glory, and would like to repeat a few of the awesome things that this station has taught me.
1. Jesus is the cure for AIDS
2. African children who have never even heard of the bible will still go to hell if they don't accept Jesus, even though they have no way of hearing about him.
3. Obama's name literally translates to "Ant-Christ"
4. The evil democrats are going to shut down the radio, TV, and the internet to keep the conservatives from spreading the truth and the word of "god"
5. If you have pre-marital sex, your baby (because you WILL get pregnant) will be born with herpes and die.
6. All of our founding fathers were Christians.
7. Abortion is the same as the Holocaust.

Okay then. First of all, not all of our founding fathers were Christians. They were all, however, strongly in favor of the separation of church and state. Fancy that.
Now for the rest of it. Look, I understand the need to believe in something more. I really do. I also believe and accept that when I die, I'm going to rot in the earth, swallowing dirt and being eaten by worms and nematoads. I am completely fine with this. The fact that there is no afterlife doesn't frighten or anger me in the least. I don't feel empty. I don't have questions that need answering. I don't need to be shown "the way." I know how to be a good person, I know how to treat my fellow man, and it has nothing to do with religion. As a matter of fact, you god-fearing religiolites, perhaps you should think about how to treat your fellow man (gay people are people and they should be allowed the right to be married.)
This all just seems so damn absurd to me. I'm not trying to be rude or unkind, but I quite honestly cannot make it make sense in my head. Really? Diving creation? What's wrong with Darwin's theory? Is that not incredible enough? Are we not capable of being good and true and honest people simply of our own accord? Must there really be someone or some power telling us to? Showing us how?
I think not. I think that religion was created, by man, to control other men. The weak of mind, and weak of spirit are easily corralled into the big pens (you call them "churches") and told what to believe, how to act, what to say, what to wear, whom to befriend, when to have sex, and all sorts of things.
I am not speaking only of Christians, although they are the only ones with ridiculous radio stations as far as I know. All religions do this. And I think they are toxic.
I heard a pastor on the radio talking about how Christians need to "take back this country." He badmouthed our President, saying that he was corrupt and evil and he was going to allow Islam to take over America. People believe this garbage, you stupid jackass. When did treason become okay? If this were 1960 and some hippie were talking about overthrowing Kennedy, we'd throw his ass in jail for being "un-American."
That is no longer the case. We are no longer united as a country, but divided by political parties and religious sects, and that makes me so sad. This man is running your country, whether you like it or not. You are an American citizen, and he is your President. Can we not show respect? Look, I wasn't a huge fan of GW, but I always said he did the best HE could with what HE had. Can that not be said for Obama? All of this bullshit about him being "pro-abortion"... No one is
"pro-abortion," you stupid fucking assholes. The opposite of "don't give anyone a choice about their own bodies and futures, whether they share our religious principles or not" is not "let's kill all the unborn children." They only put it that way to make their dipshit bible-fueled opinion sound less moronic.
I believe that religion makes people stupid. I cannot believe in something that makes no sense, and that is dividing our country, our planet, even.
You know what "god" is? God is inside all of us. Buddhism talks of the final stage of enlightenment, where you let go of that last desperate need for something more, the idea of a creator, and you learn that you are all you are, and that you are the same as everything else. You understand, you know, and you are. That is "god." It is a feeling of good, of truth, and of well-being that we all carry inside our hearts. Some of us simply are not strong enough (or smart enough) to find it.
From my perspective, thisis the same as this
Mankind has worshiped idols for thousands of years! How is Jesus any different? To me it's the same thing! People flocking to something that they cannot see or prove in an effort to explain things that they do not understand.
Sheep go "Baaaaaaah!"
This all came out so jumbled, I'm so aggravated and have so much running through my mind. I apologize if I offended anyone.


  1. You should probably stop listneing to jesus radio.

  2. ooh boy i miss you! you are an incredibly smart creature!!

  3. I was into your blog for the great food photos (and recipes), but now I have an extra reason to like you even more (being an atheist myself)! =) It was a wonderful post...thank you for articulating all the thoughts that run through my mind too.

  4. oi. I'm a Christian. I'm not going to debate you about it-- if all I knew of Christianity came from talk radio I would run the opposite direction too. I hope you don't feel that way about me, though. Not all of them are like that-- some Christians are also people. ;)Just like not every gay man is carrying AIDS. There are some Christians, like myself, that stand politically on nearly much the same platform as you. Unfortunately, as I can tell you from personal experience, being a "Liberal Christian" has become just another way for Atheists and Conservative Christians alike to label us and never take the time to see us.

    Ne'theless-- I apologize for the ignorant masses to which I share this thin connection. They live and react in fear, and don't even know it. :)

  5. Vanessa! Thank you for clarifying on here that indeed not ALL Christians are like this! Honestly, I believe that faith is food for you, whatever it may be in. And Christians like this make people shy away from it, whereas if more were like you, the effect would be the opposite. =)

  6. Teresa, I'm so glad you liked this! It's always nice to meet a fellow non-theist, hahaha.

    Kari I miss you more than words can say.
