
Currently indulging in

One of the Doctors at work, Dr. Bott, lent this to me after he saw me reading one day. It isn't the sort of thing I typically gravitate toward... it's about Vlad Tepes (the impaler) the legend of Dracula, and one family's ties to it. It's really cool! I'm not a vampire literature fan, Twilight and all that garbage, but this is exceptional. Elizabeth Kostova is a phenomenal writer. At over 600 pages, it can seem a little daunting, but I'm about 50 pages from the end and started it a week ago.
Right before starting The Historian, I read The Alchemist by Paul Coelho. This one came highly recommended by everyone, and it was pretty good. Short, but good. Good, but not great. Well written, lovely prose and so forth. It taught a nice little lesson in the end, but it wasn't anything you couldn't see coming. This one was done in about 8 hours, I'd recommend it for anyone who wants an easy read that you can still take something useful from.
Prior to The Alchemist, yes, I did finally finish Sea of Poppies. I got all the way to the end, through indecipherable pirate speak and old Hindi mixed with British, to discover that this is the first of a proposed trilogy. It was a lovely story, don't get me wrong, but it was difficult in some parts. Not the story, just his words and language and Devil May Care approach to grammar. Glad I read it though. The different stories ran together well, something I wasn't sure would happen, it just ended in a way that almost pissed me off!

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