
How did this become just a food blog?

I don't know, but it happened. I'll talk about some food and then something else.
For lunch today I made ditalini pasta and some homemade tomato sauce. I actually nearly opened a jar of pasta sauce, then quickly slapped myself and started chopping tomatoes.
My pasta sauce:
3-4 large ripe tomatoes, chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp butter
3 cloves garlic, minced
fresh herbs (I had rosemary and thyme on hand)
Salt, pepper, and crushed red pepper
Dry white wine (I used about 1/4 cup of Pinot Grigio)
-Heat the olive oil and butter over medium heat. Add the tomatoes, cook for about 8 minutes until they begin to soften and release liquid. Add the garlic to the pan, and increase the heat to medium-high. Simmer for 5-6 minutes, stirring frequently to break up the tomatoes. Add the herbs, salt, pepper, and red pepper. Stir in the wine, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for another 10 minutes. Done.

For dinner tonight Ricky wanted something with Polish Sausage. What in the hell do you do with Polish Sausage?
Enter my newest culinary creation! "Eastern Block Dinner Skillet." I parboiled some potatoes, then fried then in a large skillet with butter, salt, pepper, and caraway seed. I added some garlic, chopped onion, 2 chopped apples, and then I nestled the sausage (cut up) on top, threw in some fresh herbs, added about a half a cup of chicken stock and put a lid on it. I served it with crusty rolls and wine. He loved it, thank goodness.
On a different note, I regret to inform that my lemon tree is dying! I don't know what's going on! It's just wilting away and looking quite sad. I have a sprinkler system, so maybe it is being over watered? Too much sand in the Gulf Coast soil? I don't know, but I'm bummed.


  1. i love that sauce.....soooo much. i want pasta.

  2. Build a watering dam around the tree, abut 2 feet out in all directions, they need lots of water and go through a period of shock sometimes before they bounce back, they may even lose all their leaves. Don't forget to fertilize it! With natural fertilizers of course ;} Fertilize around the tree as wide as the span of a full grown tree and water in the 'dam' vigorously once a week. And weed, weed, weed! Weeds and grass will compete for nutrients with a baby tree.

    I love plant books. And pasta.

  3. MMMMmmmmm.... Polish sausage. I think it's traditionally served with boiled cabbage... but maybe sourkraut? Definitely with potatoes. Your take on it sounds wonderful.
    Perhaps the alkalinity is off for your lemon tree? I dunno. You could ask a plant specialist maybe?
